Taste of Afrika

The Management is Open to Collaboration Proposals and Investment Funding. Kindly send an email to our address or visit our contact page

Taste of Afrika Logo

Growing Beyond Afrika

Building Sustainable FMCGs for Afrikans In The UK

vision for the future

about TOA

Taste of Afrika is a passionate organization dedicated to supporting the Black community in the UK. We’re on a mission to cultivate a thriving ecosystem by empowering Black-owned businesses.



Taste of Afrika ignites fresh beginnings by launching innovative Black-owned brands.


Taste of Afrika envisions a world where Black-owned brands thrive and redefine the business landscape.



Taste of Afrika is laying a solid foundation for future growth, leveraging technology strategically as needed in creating a seamless and engaging experience for our customers

Our Brands

Taste the culture. Wear the story. Live the vibe.


TOA Food

TOA Food is your gateway to a vibrant culinary adventure. We bring you authentic African flavors, bursting with fresh ingredients and bold spices. Each bite is a journey of discovery, transporting you to the heart of Africa’s rich food traditions.


TOA Clothing

TOA Clothing lets your style tell your story. Our unique collections celebrate African heritage with a modern twist. Dress for every occasion with confidence and express yourself through bold designs and cultural influences.


TOA Clothing

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CEO strategy

Our Modern Approach to Black Inclusion

The forefront of being a fast-growing African-owned business.

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Healthy Tasty Meals, Make for great food. This leads to positive body enhancement, proper nutrition and growth. This is why i enjoy eating at Taste of Afrika because that's all i get.
Aamiina Fadumo
College Student & Nutrition Advocate

Food & Wellness

Smart Lifestyle

Entertainment Media

Retail Ecommerce

Our solutions

Pushing African Identity into smart Innovation across borders

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Healthy Living

Investing in Food Agriculture & Healthy Living

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+ 0 %
cost reduction
+ 0 %
more power
+ 0 %
Cleaner energy

Heritage Tourism project

Our Portfolio


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+ 0
Paying Customers
+ 0

Our Team

Creating Brands That Solves Problems The Customers' Way.

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Jennie Gaston

Sound Engineer

Cynthia Russell

Sound Engineer

Cynthia Russell

Sound Engineer

Cynthia Russell

Sound Engineer